Feb 28, 2018
This title was released in January 2018. It is currently exclusive as a download to the BF website
When attacked on an alien world, Leela falls unconscious… only to wake in another time, another place.
She is in the Crowmarsh Institute on Earth, in London, in 1978, and everyone is calling her Doctor Marshall. They...
Feb 23, 2018
Straker and Freeman switch places. Who has the more difficult job?
a new @UFO_Cast Episode 10 – The Responsibility Seat
February 16, 2018 Straker and Freeman switch places. Who has the
more difficult job? A podcast about Gerry Anderson's UFO featuring
@TMDWP and @TinDogPodcast
Feb 21, 2018
@TinDogPodcast reviews #DoctorWho Main range 235. GHOST WALK If ever there was a @BigFinish story ideal for TV adaptation this is it. Perfectly capturing the 5th Doctors Time and the companions shine
This title was released in February 2018. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until March...
Feb 18, 2018
The Sons of Kaldor by Andrew Smith
Finding themselves in a seemingly deserted spaceship on an alien world, the Doctor and Leela stumble into some familiar foes - the Voc robots from the planet Kaldor - and… something else. Something outside. Trying to get in.
Reviving the robot’s Kaldoran commander from hibernation,...
Feb 14, 2018
@TinDogPodcast review Simply Smashing and the sort of tales that will stay with you for a long time oh and Kevin Rocks
This title was released in January 2018. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until March 31st 2018, and on general sale after this date.
3.1 The Lady in the...