Oct 14, 2016
This title was released in October 2016. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until December 31st 2016, and on general sale after this date The Time War between Daleks and Time Lords rages across the history of the cosmos. Nowhere is safe. Worlds are ravaged by battles beyond their understanding,...
Oct 13, 2016
This title was released in September 2016. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until October 31st 2016, and on general sale after this date 3.1 Absent Friends by John Dorney Earth. The late 20th century. Across the world, the mobile phone is gaining popularity as more and more people decide to...
Oct 12, 2016
WHO WAS KILLED BY PSYCHIC SPIDER ELECTRICITY? WHAT CAN’T A SONIC SCREWDRIVER DO? More colourful than Tom Baker’s scarf, and more clever than Osgood, Whographica explores the rich and peculiar history of Doctor Who through infographics, charts, maps – and more! Follow the tangled threads of the Doctor’s family...