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Apr 29, 2016

@TinDogPodcast Reviews


The Master: wanted for crimes without number, across five galaxies.

The Master: escaped his pursuers. Last known location: rural Hexford, England, Earth.

The Master: dead and buried in an unmourned grave, in a lonely churchyard.


Written By: Alan Barnes
Directed By: Jamie...

Apr 26, 2016

@TinDogPodcast Reviews


Professor Nightshade - tea time terror for all the family, and the most loved show in Britain. But Professor Nightshade's days are long over, and Edmund Trevithick is now just an unemployed actor in a retirement home, fondly remembering his past.

It's the same through the entire village of Crook...

Apr 22, 2016

Review of 


The Doctor, Romana and K9 have found themselves trapped in a temporal war. On Aoris, the past battles the future - and the future fights back!

With both sides of the war now capable of time travel, the conflict is about to enter a deadly stage. As the pieces of history lock into place, there is little the...

Apr 19, 2016

@TinDogPodcast review of 


They call it "Pulse" - a radio signal which has puzzled the world for 40 years. But now Toshiko Sato has solved it.

She's uncovered a message which leads her to Russia, and into an uneasy alliance with the KVI - the Russian equivalent of Torchwood. Toshiko needs to get into Zone 10 - a frozen...

Apr 17, 2016

A short update about me and a short review of something not realted to doctor who