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Aug 1, 2010



The Only Con Held in a shed!


The Whoovers are a friendly group of people from across Derbyshire drawn together by one thing - an admiration of the television series Doctor Who and its various spin-offs.

We usually meet on the first Friday of each month and after the very friendly and informal meeting we usually retire to The Old Spa Inn just up the road on Abbey Street to continue the discussions. The meetings are full of fun stuff like quizzes, the chance to see various rare clips from the shows history, The Zero Room - our version of Room 101, Desert Island Docs (our version of Desert Island Discs) and a raffle to win Doctor Who merchandise. Many of the members are extremely knowledgeable about the series, but you certainly don't need to be an expert to attend or even enjoy the meetings.

From time to time the meetings even invite a special guest from the world of Doctor Who - actors, writers, directors, etc. You get the chance to meet the people who make Doctor Who, get their autograph and even have your photo taken with them.

The group also organises occassional excursions - 'Wholidays' - to places of 'Who' interest and have also just held our very first Doctor Who convention - Whooverville - which included a whole handful of special guests.

Sound sad and geeky? - Far from it! The content of the meetings varies from serious (though never desperately so) to downright hilarious. The Whoovers is only one of many fan groups which meet regularly up and down the country, but we happen to think it's one of the very best. Whether you're a new fan or an old one, come along and you'll be made most welcome!

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fourteen and a half years ago

Doctor who where are you?