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Jun 11, 2007

In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. Only the Doctor can stop them, but he is trapped in time. However, when people start disappearing, a young woman called Sally finds cryptic messages bleeding through from 1969 � messages from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor. But can she decipher them before the Angels claim their best prize yet?

190 - Blink
Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor)
Companion Martha Jones
Writer Steven Moffat
Director Hettie MacDonald
Script Editor Helen Raynor
Producer Phil Collinson
Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies
Julie Gardner
Production code 3.10
Series Series 3
Length 45 minutes
Originally broadcast 9 June 2007
Preceded by "The Family of Blood"
Followed by "Utopia"

Part of the story of "Blink" is based on Moffat's own Ninth Doctor short story from the Doctor Who Annual 2006 called "What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow". It is now available on the BBC website. "

almost eighteen years ago

this one scared the crap out of me. In fact, I was at a pottery and plant nursery today and every statue creeped me out.

R Wiggins
almost eighteen years ago

I have to say your podcast is absolutly brilliant, I\'ve downloaded them all from itunes and love your mixture of doctor who love and pure sarcasm. I hope you get more and more popular, since you havn\'t been around that long.
Keep on going!