Sep 24, 2017
@tindogpodcast reviews the brilliant #DoctorWho 4th DoctorAdventures 6.8 Skin Of The Sleek from @BigFinish
This title was released in August 2017. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until September 30th 2017, and on general sale after this date.
On the planet Funderell you can walk on the ocean. The surface holds you when you move, but if you stand still, you sink. Lights shift in the fathoms and great shapes move beneath your feet - schools of giant electric eels known as Sleeks.
There is no solid land and the only locals are the Wavewalkers, hunters who live in floating villages. But recently some strangers have arrived, pursuing their own distinct agenda.
When the Doctor and Romana lose the TARDIS to the deep, they need help. Which makes finding a fellow Time Lord on the planet very useful. The fact that Time Lord is Sartia, an old friend of Romana's, is even better!
But this is a planet of secrets. Be careful when you explore its depths. You may just drown.
Note: The adventure continues in Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Thief Who Stole Time
Written By: Marc
Directed By: Ken Bentley
Tom Baker (The Doctor), Lalla Ward (Romana), Joannah Tincey (Sartia), Alan Cox(Eamonn Orensky), Kieran Hodgson (Klick Chervain), Des McAleer (Blujaw Skaldson), Alex Wyndham (Linnis Skaldson), Jamie Newall (Greygul), Jane Slavin(Frithra), John Banks (The Sleek)
Other parts played by members of the cast.
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas