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Jan 18, 2011

The Four Doctors is a Big Finish Productions audiobook based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is free to subscribers of The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories.



[edit] Plot

The Fifth Doctor investigates the Vault of Stellar Curios, where he has observed evidence of time leakage. But then the Daleks attack, looking for the contents of the mysterious vault. The Eighth Doctor also shows up and he and his former self create a time loop trap, spanning between their lives. This sends the Daleks to the Seventh Doctor's encounter with Michael Faraday in 1854 and the Sixth Doctor's visit to an early Dalek battlefield.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Notes

  • This is the first time all four Big Finish Doctors have teamed up in one story, apart from a brief scene in Zagreus set within the Eighth Doctor's mind.

The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. As with all Doctor Who spin-off media, its relationship to the televised serials is open to interpretation. It features the winner of Big Finish's Opportunity for New Writers contest in which they accepted unsolicited amateur submissions. Rick Briggs's "The Entropy Composition" was chosen from about 1200 submissions.



[edit] The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories

[edit] The Demons of Red Lodge

by Jason Arnopp
Nyssa and the Doctor suddenly wake up in Red Lodge, Suffolk in the year 1665. Panicked by recent memory loss, they quickly run into some very familiar faces.

[edit] The Entropy Composition

by Rick Briggs
White Waves, Soft Haze, a prog rock symphony by Geoff Cooper, was produced in 1968, but never released.

[edit] Doing Time

by William Gallagher
The Doctor spends over a year locked up in a prison on the planet Folly.

  • Janson Hart - John Dorney
  • Governor Chaplin - Susan Kyd
  • Dask/Judge/Jabreth/Hobbling Pete - Duncan Wibsey

[edit] Special Features

by John Dorney
The Doctor contributes DVD Commentary to a 1970s horror movie, Doctor Demonic's Tales of Terror.

  • Martin Ashcroft - James Fleet
  • Sir Jack Merrivale/Professor Bromley/Narrator - Ian Brooker
  • Johanna Bourke/Carlotta - Joanna Munro
  • Mr Pinfield/Yokel/Running Man/Carriage Driver - John Dorney

[edit] External links

  • This is also the first Big Finish collaborative multi-Doctor story since their very first Doctor Who release The Sirens of Time.


over fourteen years ago

oops can you edit out the name bit? i'm an idiot. :)

over fourteen years ago

Hi Tin Dog, I enjoy your podcasts, and just noticed this recent one has an odd encoding glitch, you sound a bit ring modulation-y like a minor error occurred when recording it. I compared to previous files in the podcast and it's just this one that has a dalek lite filter on it.
Just letting you know in case there's a way to fix it, thanks and keep up the great work!

Eric Anderson, Richmond CA - a recent classic dr who fan convert :-)